Bookie For Dummies is one of the easiest and most complete resources for the budding bookie. This easy to read eBook has been developed by award winning author, who spent years studying and working with the multi-faceted wagering system known as Gambling theory. The book covers everything from basic betting rules to the often-overlooked secret strategies used by top professional bookie's to beat the bookies at their own game.
In this e-book, the author lays out a blueprint for setting up a profitable, successful bookie business based upon a tried and true method that many bookies have used successfully in the past. The main focus of this e-Book is to explain to the novice bettor exactly how they can go about building a profitable, successful bookie operation even if they don't know a single line of a code or how to use a single piece of software. The book covers not only the general rules of gambling, but goes into much more depth explaining each step necessary for building a profitable pay per head bookie. Along the way, Lewis explains why it is so important to know the odds when gambling and why certain bets are usually better than others. This is because bookie odds are always in favor of the house, and even the slightest chance that the underdog may make a bet that the bookie picks up can mean big money for the house.
The main reason why many gamblers lose is that they never learn to read the odds. They simply trust the bookie and allow the bookie to do whatever he or she wants. In turn, the bookie does everything he or she can to keep them betting high and keeping them coming back to the bookies site. This is a very dangerous and possibly self-defeating scenario. The best way to avoid these pitfalls is to become a regular attendee at the bookies meetings and learn everything you can about how to read the odds. When you understand how bookies look at the odds and why they make the decisions they do, you will have all the tools you need to pick the winners and make the most of your winnings. Click here and learn more on how become a bookie.
At the core of this e-Book is a technique for betting called the "house edge". What does this mean? It means that you will make more money if you are betting at a bookie with less people who are paying out. The more players there are at the bookie, the more the casino can rake in. This is why bookies have been found to be a key factor in why some casinos and video poker sites offer freerolls or bonuses to their members as a way of enticing people to play there.
Now that you know how bookies work and why they are so crucial to the live casino gambling game, you should learn how to spot the fake bookies out there. A classic sign of a fake bookie is one who will give away too many tips or too many false promises. You can usually spot this kind of bookie from the way the operator approaches you or the lack of information you receive when you make your initial contact. If a bookie seems too eager to sign you up, or if he tries to get you to make payment arrangements on the spot, then he is probably a fake bookie.
On the other hand, if you get a steady stream of responses and you hear nothing but positive things about the casino or the game after you make the initial contact, then you should be hearing voices of reason and not bookies trying to rip you off. Fake bookies exist everywhere in the world and learning how to identify them can help you wager wisely on the next game you want to try. Just remember that knowing how bookies work will help you make more money in the long run than just staying at your house and hoping the next casino you go to will have a good bookie. Now that you know a bit more about how cookies work, you should be ready to place your bets and make your next winnings!